Saturday, 8 June 2013


          Flash hails from the DC universe of comics. Created by Gardner Fox and Harry Lampert. He made his first showing in Flash Comics (1940). Flash has the nickname Scarlet Speedster, for his bright outfit and incredible speed. Flash also possesses the ability to move fast and he also has superhuman reflexes which  disregard common laws of physics. Jay Garrick, Berry Allen, Wally West and Bart Allen, characters from the DC family have gained not only super speed but the alter ego of Flash, in different incarnations.
         The Flashes has made friendships with those also in the DC universe, commonly Green Lantern. These friendships have been constructed with, Jay Garrick and Alan Scott (Golden Age Lantern), Berry Allen and Hal Jordan (Silver Aged Lantern) and finally Wally West and Kyle Rayner (Modern Aged Lantern)
         As well as moving fast the Flash can also think, and react at lightning fast speeds. He also has superhuman endurance, so he can run absurd distances. Later on in his comic book life he picked up the ability to vibrate extremely fast, to the point of passing through walls. All incarnations of Flash all have a invisible aura that surrounds their body so while traveling at extreme speeds his skin and cloths won't burn off. Along with moving fast they can also think fast, which allows immunity to mind-reading, and speak at fast rates to other speedsters, to allow private conversation in public places. He also has the power of lightning but doesn't use it as often.


  1. I absolutely love the look of your blog!

  2. Thank you so much! That's very nice of you to say!
